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Planning Board Minutes 2007/06/07

June 7, 2007

PRESENT:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Allan Davis
                Philip Porter
                Derek Tatlock
                Peter White, Alternate
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio+
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
                Darlene Morse, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio

OTHERS  Robert Bell & Mark O’Halloran

The meeting was opened by Chairman Chalmers at 7:09 PM.

1.  The minutes of the May 3, 2007 minutes were reviewed.  Motion was made by Philip Porter to accept the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Chairman Chalmers asked alternate Peter White to vote at tonight’s meeting in the absence of Barbara Hollander.

Peggy Chalmers informed the Board that she felt Robert Riesberg was still interested in becoming an alternate but wishes not to act on the appointment until R. Riesberg brings his interest to the board.

Michael Marquise reminded the board that the Charrette would be held the third week of June.


There were none scheduled for this meeting.

Planning Board
June 7, 2007


1.  Map 203, Lot 7 – Bell Engineering – Conceptual Design

Robert Bell wished to discuss his subdivision proposal and the “common land” or “open space” property outlined in his proposal.  R. Bell has offered the town the ownership of the 16 acres of common land or open space and was told that the only commission that can accept the property is the Conservation Commission.  Peggy Chalmers explained that it was voted by article at the 2007 March Town Meeting to take “away” the authority of the Board of Selectmen to accept or purchase property.  The Planning Board requires 15% of green space for subdivision, but the Selectmen cannot accept the green space. Therefore, the only way that R. Bell can give the property to the Town of Sunapee is to have an article placed in the 2008 Town Warrant to ask the voters to approve the Board’s acceptance of the parcel.  R. Bell stated that he approached the Conservation Commission about accepting the property but the commission does not wish to own it.  The land would be a land locked parcel of property with no access and would be of no use to the Conservation Commission.  Discussion centered on how to enforce the Subdivision Regulations with regard to the 15% open space requirement.  Michael Marquise suggested that the open space requirement could be handled by deed restrictions to the abutting lots that will be sold.  The restriction would enforce that a percentage of the lot would be retained for open space and could not be built upon.  This will be discussed with Town Counsel for his opinion.  

Robert Bell raised discussion on his former approval for subdivision for 3 lots.  The subdivision was approved by the Planning Board but the mylar was not signed per R. Bell’s request.  He would like to revise the original approval and asked what would be the least complicated way to do this.  Michael Marquise suggested that R. Bell subdivide two of the lots and leave the remaining piece.  


1.  Mountain Home Developers of Sunapee, LLC:  Review Letter of Credit (By-Laws) and Mylar Sign Off

Bardy Flanders was present to represent Mountain Home Developers.  Michael Marquise informed the Board that a bond was received in the amount of $550,000 and if the Board wants to accept it, the only comment should be made that the details shown on page two have been changed.  It now says “previously” mentioned and not mentioned “below”.  Everything appears to be fine.  Town Counsel has reviewed the documents and has found them acceptable.  Peggy Chalmers read for the minutes the last sentence in page two of a previously submitted document “All of these plans, approvals and permits are together referred to “below” as the Agreement.  This sentence should be “All of these plans, approvals and permits are together referred to as “previously” mentioned as the
Planning Board
June 7, 2007

Agreement.  With regard to the By-Laws, M. Marquise noted that there was a problem with page numbers.  He has been told that the Board will get a full copy of the revised By-Laws with a full signature.  Roger Landry will inspect the revised copy.  

With regard to the mylar, M. Marquise noted some items that need to be added as:
-       the width of the ROW (60’)
-       an outline of the detention pond
-       the location of the 30,000 gallon cistern
-       reference made on the green spaces that access is provided
as shown on S2 drawing dated December 2005

Peggy Chalmers asked that when the corrections have been made to the documents and approved by Roger Landry and Michael Marquise, the Planning Board members be called to come in to sign the mylar.  

Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the subdivision site plan subject to the corrections as noted by Michael Marquise be made to the mylar as follows:
-       the width of the ROW (60’)
-       an outline of the detention pond
-       the location of the 30,000 gallon cistern
-       reference made on the green spaces that access is provided
-       reference to all previously approved plans dated December 2005
, acceptance of the bond in the amount of $550,000 for modification Phase II with the removal of the word “below” in the last sentence on page 2.  The word “below” will be replaced with the word “previously” and the By-Laws as corrected and approved by Town Counsel.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Bardy Flanders told the Board that he wished to thank Michael Marquise, Roger Landry and Donna Nashawaty for all of their assistance with the subdivision plans.

2.  Master Plan

Michael Marquise informed the Board that 10% of the Master Plan surveys have returned to date.  They are in the process of being sorted.  He would like to get the results of question #9 pertaining to the Old Town Hall for information for the Charrette.   M. Marquise would like to cancel the June 21st meeting of the Master Plan Review Committee as this is the evening before the Friday, June 22nd, Charrette.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to cancel the June 21st meeting of the Master Plan Review Committee.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Planning Board
June 7, 2007

Peggy Chalmers reported that she received 53 responses from the surveys she distributed at the Sunapee Middle High School.  P. Chalmers quickly review the responses.  A copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes.

Peggy Chalmers raised discussion on the draft Vision Statement prepared by Jeff Taylor. Emma Smith asked how growth prediction was made.  Michael Marquise explained that these figures are obtained from OSP who receives them from the communities in the state.  Philip Porter stated that he has heard that new rules were passed by the Legislature which allows buildings along the shore line to be building a certain amount of footage away from the shore.  Roger informed the Board that the Legislature has passed several bills regarding buildings along the shoreline, some of which will be very hard to enforce.

Mentioned in the statement was the possible establishment of a community newsletter to bring the community together.  Also, planning an annual event for Sunapee residents to get together and know each other.  Allan Davis stated that he believes that affordable housing for seniors is needed more than for the younger generation.  It was the consensus of the Board that the reference to “lakes regions” be removed and the reference “rural community” be used instead.

Other items of importance that should be addressed are maintaining the vitality of the harbor area, the building of community spirit and fellowship.   Allan Davis would like to see the mention of the quality of education in Sunapee added to the first paragraph of the draft.  It was also felt that municipal parking to support the businesses should be addressed.

Michael Marquise stated that for the July meeting he would like to have the Beautification Committee attend to discuss the Master Plan.  At the August meeting he would like to discuss mapping and have Jeff Taylor back to attend the September meeting.

Roger Landry stated that he would like to see the Village District extend up Sargent Road as there is a water line there that could accommodate businesses.

Peggy Chalmers will make the corrections and additions to the draft statement and return it to Jeff Taylor who will prepare a final draft for a public meeting.

3.  Election of Officers

Motion was made by Allan Davis to appointment Peggy Chalmers as Chairman of the Planning Board.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Planning Board.
Planning Board
June 7, 2007

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim, of the tape.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved_____________

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                            Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Allan Davis                                                         Philip Porter

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                              Derek Tatlock

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Peter White, Alternate                                  Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio

Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio